Thursday, July 22, 2010

Forget the Wall, build a Mexican Democracy

Why does the American military traverse seas and deserts to combat an invisible enemy. Even Leon Panetta, our CIA chief has said that there are less than 100 enemies in Afghanistan, maybe less than 50. Yet we refuse to take one step into our own back (southern) yard to diffuse the flow of Mexican politcal prisoners? This American generation has absorbed 20 million refugees that are fleeing poverty, unemployment and corruption at the hands of their own government. The Mexican government is not only responsible for the mass exodus, but also benefits enormously from the exorbitant ransom that mexican banks charge for the monies sent home as a result of their citizens' economically-forced invasion of our country.

No country can withstand an assault on their sovereignty such as America has endured at the hands of her Mexican neighbors. We should not adopt the poor Mexican people but instead use our might to rid their country of the corruption that forces them to flee. Our jails are full, our economy is broken and it is not the fault of the mexican citizen. The U.S. must stop spending billions trying to stem this tide of suffering . Somewhere between 12 and 20 million people have fled Mexico illegally, not including those that have legally made the trip and their is no pause in the numbers in sight. The Mexican's flight for survival is certainly more than economic. How high would the unemployment numbers here need to rise to incite Americans to head elsewhere, illegally, by the millions?

We sent General Pershing to Mexico to stop Pancho Villa and his band of bank robbers a hundred years ago. Our southern neighbors are suffering much more now at the hands of their own corrupt government. It is time to reintroduce the American military option and use that special power to fight the enemy that is at our gate, the one that has inflicted every American with wounds, direct and indirect.

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